Monday, June 30, 2008


I had the blessed opportunity to be around Hazoor during most of his trip to the US. One thing that i found fascinating was looking into people's eyes. as i walked past people who would see or were looking at their Khalifa for perhaps the first time, the truth of Ahmadiyyat was evident. You can just see the love coming out exhibiting in various ways.

the second was mulaqat. when people were entering for mulaqat or musafa there was this intensity in their posture and focus in their eyes. when they came out, it was as if they needed to be assisted in walking out as they were in a very different and serene zone. I know I only get that feeling around one Man in the world.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Godly figure

Seeing hazoor so closely and working so close to him was out of the world experience. His beautiful "noorani" face and personality itself is enough to make people think about their faith and actions. He impressed me in many ways, he is truly a very Godly figure.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

First Salaat Led

When the Khalifa first arrived in the US, he lead Maghrib prayers with Surah Al Falaq and Surah An Nas. He then led Isha prayers with Al Duha and At Tin. I was curious why he led Maghrib in that order. I asked several others on their opinion as well. My sister reminded of the conditions in America and the background on these Surahs.

A Pennsylvania State Representatives recently had made adverse remarks about Muslims in the hosting state of the Jalsa. The Indonesian anti-Ahmadiyya campaign is escalating. There are plenty of other attacks on our community in the West.

The Surahs together afford protection. In these Surahs (referencing the short commentary surah intro) we are reminded that we should not be afraid of any tyrant, dictator or ruler and should hold the firm belief that God is the sole Director and Controller of the whole universe and He has the power to protect His votaries from any harm or injury that the forces of darkness might see to do them.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Purpose of Jalsa

While on duty I was reflecting on the purpose of the Jalsa and how I also was increasing my peception of Allah even while not attending the events. My challenge was with the interaction of all guests. Many of them also wanted to be close to the Khalifa, I often felt I had to remind them on obedience to the system. That naturally bred some not so happy sentiments. As I kept my wits about me to not be upset with adverse reactions, I was also struggling to enable myself to personally experience religious benefits. This was always reflected as I would see my beloved Khalifa pass from engagement to engagement.

dream while on duty

After a few days on duty I found it to be as challenging as expected. The time to myself, particularly to eat, sleep, and use facilities was limited. I recall a dream which was fairly vivid. I had to call my wife and relay it to her so she could do some research on the interpretation. She later called and let me know that my dream interpretation was that I would win over my enemies. This understanding gave me a new sense of drive to not let any aspect of my duty to falter. I found myself particularly charged up on minimal necessities.

how does he do it?

So many of the brothers that were there for those 10 days became ill. Myself, Amjad, Salman, Salaam, Bilal, and I'm sure there were many more. We're young and mash'allah healthy. Huzoor is nearing 60 and he's running around all over the world like he has the health of an olympic marathoner and the strength of 30 men. How does he do it? It really is incredible in so many ways :) What a beautiful 10 days these were :)

May Allah continue to give him strength Insha'allah.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Working close to the Khalifa

Alhamdulillah I had the great experience to be so close to Hazoor for quite a few days. I remember seeing so many brothers going into meet Hazoor and shake his hands - they were so excited and calling their loved ones minutes before entering and would come out of the meeting even more excited.