Saturday, June 28, 2008

First Salaat Led

When the Khalifa first arrived in the US, he lead Maghrib prayers with Surah Al Falaq and Surah An Nas. He then led Isha prayers with Al Duha and At Tin. I was curious why he led Maghrib in that order. I asked several others on their opinion as well. My sister reminded of the conditions in America and the background on these Surahs.

A Pennsylvania State Representatives recently had made adverse remarks about Muslims in the hosting state of the Jalsa. The Indonesian anti-Ahmadiyya campaign is escalating. There are plenty of other attacks on our community in the West.

The Surahs together afford protection. In these Surahs (referencing the short commentary surah intro) we are reminded that we should not be afraid of any tyrant, dictator or ruler and should hold the firm belief that God is the sole Director and Controller of the whole universe and He has the power to protect His votaries from any harm or injury that the forces of darkness might see to do them.

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