Saturday, July 5, 2008

Love for Khalifa

It was the strangest and most extraordinary feeling to experience how one man who I have never meet or talked to, could bring tears to my eyes and stir up so many emotions inside me; and all he had to do is walk by me……

Thursday, July 3, 2008

My Khalifa is a brilliant combination of composure and sincere love
He has a heartfelt desire that members of his community may meet Allah T'ala above
He cries in his salat for each Ahmadi's plight
He pleads with Allah T'ala to help us never deviate from what is right

His presence in America brought prayers to my lips, tears to my eyes and my forehead to the floor
And a burning desire to please Allah T'ala even more

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Presence of God

At the end of USA jalsa I was so sad to not be in the company of Huzoor anymore, but knew I had Canada jalsa awaiting me. This kept me going. It wasn't until my last salat led by Huzoor on Monday June 30th at Fajr did my eyes fill with non stop tears knowing that I do not know when I will receive this blessing again. I realized that Allah is everywhere at everytime yet when Huzoor is present an abundant amount of angels and the ever presence of the Almighty is in the room. Knowing this I was filled with awe and humility that my salaat truly had Allah's attention. It really helped me focus so deeply in my prayers and comforted me so much to have the direct feeling of Allah amongst His worshippers. We are indeed a blessed people to have such an honor of having a Khalifa. May all Ahmadi's be worthy of this blessing and obedient to Allah's favorite servant. and may Allah grant Huzoor the best of health and the best of followers amongst him. Ameen.

glimpses of devotion

Sadly for the entire United States, the holiest of His servants had not been a part of this soil since 1998. Finally after ten years, this country was blessed with the presence of a true leader of peace and advocate of God. For those of us who witnessed Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad up close and personal, it was a sight of honor and humbled those of us who know we are potentially not worthy of such a meeting yet have been blessed none the less. The obedience to Khilafath that I witnessed from so many of those devoted Ahmadi's was astounding. And I must hope and pray that this allegiance displayed and disregard for other worldly matters remains a part of the daily lives of those who for ten days served the leader of the rightous. It was similar to an ithekaaf experience that the Khuddam displayed. Pure devotion and lack of concern for self. Sleepless nights and long days with only the hunger to please Huzoor and Allah as nourishment kept these devotees strong. Such a sight is rare for those filled with material pursuits. And it touched my heart so deeply to see the fortune of those able to serve Huzoor so directly. May the fulfillment of your hearts in serving Huzoor be what remains with you daily in your efforts towards Allah and strengthen your ability to spread the message of the true Islam.